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Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference 2025

The Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference is a unique gathering of international scholars and practitioners interested in sharing and advancing cutting-edge professional selling and sales management practices, research, and education. In keeping with its title, the GSSI Conference takes place in a different country every year. The upcoming 2025 GSSI Conference will be held in Shillong, India. In addition to scientific research, the conference will address best practices in sales education, making the conference an excellent venue for sales educators looking for professional development opportunities. To highlight research opportunities and bridge the gap between academia and practice, special sessions with guest speakers will be devoted to business development, B2B professional selling, sales management, and sales education challenges. To encourage the participation of young scholars, we also hold a doctoral student session. For more information, please contact the Conference Co-Chairs.

Venue | IIM Shillong

The conference will be held at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Shillong, the 7th IIM established in India. IIM Shillong aims to become an internationally recognized management institute with a global outlook, rooted in Indian values. Since its inception, it has constantly worked towards a lofty mission to generate and disseminate knowledge in all aspects of management education, focusing on sustainability and building innovative leadership.

Shillong, Meghalaya

Nestled in the lap of majestic Khasi Hills of the Northeast India, Shillong is a mosaic of pleasant hues, scenic landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Shillong is approximately a 3 hour drive away from Guwahati which houses the nearest international airport Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi airport. Nearby attractions include Mawlynnong, the cleanest village of Asia, Cherrapunji, one of the wettest place of India, and the magnificent waterfalls rushing down lush green hillside.

For more details visit Meghalaya Tourism Website

Dr. Teidorlang Lyngdoh
IIM Shillong, India
Dr. Raj Agnihotri
Ivy College of Business,USA
m.klein cut out
Dr.Michel Klein
EM Strasbourg Business School, France

Conference Overview

The Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference is a unique gathering of international scholars and practitioners interested in sharing and advancing cutting-edge professional selling and sales management practices, research, and education. In keeping with its title, the GSSI Conference takes place in a different country every year. The upcoming 2025 GSSI Conference will be held in Shillong, India. In addition to scientific research, the conference will address best practices in sales education, making the conference an excellent venue for sales educators looking for professional development opportunities. To highlight research opportunities and bridge the gap between academia and practice, special sessions with guest speakers will be devoted to business development, B2B professional selling, sales management, and sales education challenges. To encourage the participation of young scholars, we also hold a doctoral student session. For more information, please contact the Conference Co-Chairs.

Conference Theme

The world of sales has always undergone rapid changes in response to shifts in the larger macroenvironment.
The current technological advancements and evolving social landscapes are disrupting well-established sales theories and practices, thus necessitating innovative and creative approaches to achieving sales excellence. The conference is thoughtfully crafted to facilitate the exchange of cutting-edge ideas among scholars and practitioners in the field of sales, focusing o nhow to leverage the sweeping changes in the social and technological environments to achieve sales excellence. Accordingly, the topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Sales Renaissance In The Digital Age
  • Artificial Intelligence and Selling
  • Blockchain And Selling
  • Digitisation And Selling
  • Sales Management In a Disruptive Era
  • Effect of Digital Marketing on Selling and Sales
  • Organisational Issues In Sales Management
  • Sales Force Control In The Disruptive Era
  • Ethical Issues In Sales Management
  • Positivity And Positive Organisational Behaviour for Sales And Selling
  • Modelling In Sales, Selling, And Salesforce Management
  • Leading And Managing Sales Teams On Digital Platforms
  • Sales Education And Training

We welcome submissions of structured abstracts or full papers. We are open to conceptual, theoretical, and empirical papers and work-in-progress focusing on the impacts of changing social and technological environments on diverse aspects of professional selling and sales management. Papers that are relevant to practice are highly encouraged. Please note that a special competitive session will be conducted for doctoral student papers. For further information, please visit our website regularly

Conference Details

Submission Instructions and Requirements

Please submit two files. The first file should contain the complete abstract, including author information (name, affiliation, address, phone, and email), and indicate if it is a structured abstract, full paper, special session, or doctoral student paper. Also, indicate whether it is a sales research or pedagogy submission. The second file should contain the complete abstract without author information. When you save the files, please include FULL in the filename for the one with author information and BLIND for the one without author information.

Submissions will be reviewed following a double-blind process. Authors should avoid revealing their identities in the bodies of their papers. Each submission will be evaluated on the importance and potential contribution of the sales topic, quality of conceptual development, sampling, methodology, and the managerial relevance of the results. Please submit your structured abstract/full papers/doctoral student papers/special session proposal to gssi2025@iimshillong.ac.in no later than 15th February 2025.

At least one author of accepted papers must (1) register for and present at the conference, (2) return a properly formatted version of the work by the deadline for inclusion in the proceedings, and (3) register for the conference by the registration deadline.

Submission Guidelines

Structured Abstract: Please submit your structured abstract, including the main research question(s), theoretical framework, methods/results (wherever applicable), and discussion sections (emphasizing managerial implications). Please note that structured abstracts will not be considered for best paper awards. The structured abstracts should not exceed 5 single-spaced pages (excluding references and appendices).

Full Papers: Full Papers: Please submit your full paper, including the main research question(s), theoretical framework, methods/results (wherever applicable), and discussion sections (emphasizing managerial implications). Papers must include a single-spaced abstract (no more than 100 words) and should adhere to the formatting guidelines for the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (please find the JMTP website here. The maximum length for a full paper is 3,600 words (excluding references and appendices).

Doctoral Student Papers: Submitted papers must be authored by doctoral students (single or multiple authors are acceptable) who are candidates for degrees in sales, marketing or a closely related field at an accredited university. Upon submission, please mention that the paper has been authored (or co-authored) by a doctoral student(s). There will be an award for the Best Doctoral Student Paper. The maximum length for a doctoral student paper is 3,600 words (excluding references and appendices).

Special Sessions: Please submit your structured proposal, including the main topic, purpose, expected duration, and potential moderators/panelists. Please note that the recommended panelists should register for the conference. The maximum length for a special session proposal is 3,600 words (excluding references and appendices).

Important Dates

Competitive Papers Submission Deadline: February 15, 2025
Co-Chairs Decision to Authors: February 28, 2025
Final Formatted Paper Version Deadline: April 30, 2025

Best Paper Awards

There will be awards given for the conference:
1) Best Empirical Paper
2) Best Theoretical Paper
3) Best Doctoral Student Paper

Venue and Registration Fees

The conference will be held at the Indian Institute of Management Shillong, in India. IIM Shillong, the 7th IIM in India, has been set up with a vision to become an internationally recognized Management Institute with a Global outlook grounded in Indian values. From its inception, it has constantly worked towards a lofty mission to generate and disseminate knowledge in all aspects of management education, focusing on sustainability and building innovative leadership.

The conference fee for regular conference participants will be at $530,- (early bird). Doctoral students will have a different fee structure, which will be determined in the following weeks.

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice Special Issue

With the authors’ permission, all accepted papers will be considered for a special issue in the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (JMTP). The Editor-in-Chief (Dr. Raj Agnihotri) will be co-hosting the conference, and a special session for constructive feedback will be available at the conference. Full-length papers will be required, and dates for revision submissions will be announced at the conference.

About Raj S Agnihotri

Raj Agnihotri is a Morrill Professor, Mary Warner Fellow, and Assistant Dean of Industry Engagement at the Ivy College of Business, Iowa State University. He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice and has published over 70 articles in leading scholarly journals. Raj also serves on the editorial review boards of several journals, including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Industrial Marketing Management, and the Journal of Business Research.

Live & online GSSI 2025 Shillong information sessions

Two online pre-conference information sessions will take place on October 17 and November 14, 2025. These sessions will provide additional information about the conference, travel to Shillong, India, and accommodations in Shillong.

For more details about the conference, please contact the Conference Co-Chairs

We look forward to your submissions and seeing you in Shillong, India!

Doctoral Colloquium (DC) at GSSI Conference 2025
“Sales Excellence in the Era of Technological and Social Transformations”

About the Colloquium

The Doctoral Colloquium is integral to the upcoming Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference 2025, to be held at IIM Shillong. This event provides doctoral students an exceptional chance to discuss their research, receive valuable input from renowned academics, and engage in discussions with peers and specialists.

The event will include several top scholars from sales, sales management, marketing and related disciplines. To make the most of this excellent opportunity, doctoral students are encouraged to be ready to discuss their research or dissertation work at the Colloquium. The Colloquium allows the attendees to showcase the value of their research to academia and talk about their contributions to the sales, sales management and marketing fields.

Furthermore, doctoral students will have the opportunity to connect with established academicians, who will offer critical advice and strategies for advancing their research, getting exposure to novel methodological techniques, learning to navigate the publications process in the top journals, and building pathways to successful academic careers.

About IIM Shillong

IIM Shillong, the seventh IIM in India, has been set up with a vision to become an internationally recognized Management Institute with a Global outlook grounded in Indian values. From its inception, it has constantly worked towards a lofty mission to generate and disseminate knowledge in all aspects of management education, focusing on sustainability and building innovative leadership.

Selection Process

We are pleased to announce the guidelines and criteria for the Doctoral Colloquium (DC) selection at the 2025 Global Sales Science Institute Conference.

  • To get selected for this event, doctoral students can self-nominate themselves or get nominated by their dissertation advisor.
  • The nominee should be a doctoral student candidate for a degree (e.g., PhD, DBA, etc.) in sales, sales management, or a closely related field at an accredited university or business school.
  • The preference will be given to a student with an active research pipeline. Specifically, the preference will be given to a student with papers under review or working papers closer to submission for reputed journals, past conference presentations, and awards.

Submission material:

  • Student’s curriculum vitae.
  • Adviser’s endorsement/recommendation.
  • An Extended Abstract of a research work.

Procedures for the Extended Abstract :

Theme: “Sales Excellence in the Era of Technological and Social Transformations”.

Potential and non-exhaustive subthemes:

  • Technological Integration: Exploring the impact of AI, data analytics, and digital transformation on sales strategies and processes.
  • Customer Centricity: Building strong customer relationships, delivering exceptional experiences, and adhering to ethical sales practices.
  • Future of Sales: Examining emerging trends, sustainability, and the influence of remote work on sales.
  • Cultural and Social Factors: Investigating the impact of diversity, inclusivity, and societal shifts on sales practices and outcomes.
  • Sales Enablement: Exploring tools, resources, and strategies to empower sales teams and enhance their effectiveness.
  • Sales Leadership: Examining the role of influential sales leaders in fostering a high-performing sales culture.
  • Sales Metrics and Measurement: Investigating key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for evaluating sales effectiveness and driving continuous improvement.
  • Salesperson Well-Being: Investigating the role of mental health, work-life balance, and organizational support in promoting the well-being and productivity of sales professionals.
  • Sales Education and Training: Exploring innovative approaches to sales education, professional development, and the impact of training programs on sales performance and career progression.
  • Key Account Management: Investigating best practices for managing strategic accounts, fostering collaboration, and delivering tailored value propositions to key clients.
  • Relationship Marketing: Investigating strategies for building and maintaining long-term customer relationships through trust, loyalty, and personalized engagement in both consumer and business contexts.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Exploring the integration of artificial intelligence in CRM systems to enhance customer insights, automate personalized interactions, and optimize sales processes for improved relationship management.
  • B2B Marketing: Exploring the evolving role of buyer-seller relationships, value co-creation, and strategic partnerships in business-to-business marketing environments.

Preparation Guidelines:

  • The extended abstract must summarize a doctoral research project (i.e., a thesis/dissertation) and be authored by a doctoral student.
  • Three key concerns or questions you would like reviewers to consider when they critique your thesis work.
  • The maximum length for a submission is 10 pages (excluding cover sheet, references, and appendices).
  • The extended abstract must include a single-spaced summary (no more than 100 words).
  • Format – A4, Margin 1 inch on all sides, Times New Roman 12 points, Single Line Spacing.
  • Please submit your structured abstract to gssi2025@iimshillong.ac.in before 15th February 2025. The subject of your e-mail must be “Doctoral Colloquium submission”.

The submitted works will undergo a selection process, during which they will be evaluated for their scholarly merit, alignment with the Colloquium’s thematic focus, and potential contribution to the academic literature in sales, sales management and marketing.

Registration Process:

To be announced.

Note: Doctoral students who do not participate in the Doctoral Colloquium will be required to pay the standard conference registration fee to attend the Conference.

What to Expect:

  • Presentation: Doctoral students will have the chance to discuss ongoing or planned research.
  • Feedback: Participants will receive detailed and constructive feedback from a panel of distinguished research mentors.
  • Discussion: There will be opportunities to discuss open challenges and receive fresh perspectives from experts and fellow scholars.
  • Sessions: There will be sessions on (i) strategies for advancing your research, (ii) novel methodological techniques, (iii) navigating the publications process in the top journals, and (iv) building pathways to successful academic careers.


Important Dates

Event Deadline
Submission Deadline for the Doctoral Colloquium February 15, 2025
Co-Chairs Decision to Authors February 28, 2025
Registration Opens Open
Registration Deadline TBD
GSSI: Doctoral Colloquium Date June 3, 2025
GSSI: Conference Dates June 4-7, 2025

For Doctoral Colloquium participants, campus accommodation is available on a first come, first served basis

Doctoral Student Papers

In addition to participating in the Doctoral Colloquium, doctoral students are also invited to submit a paper, which may be co-authored, for consideration in the main conference program. See the 2025 Global Sales Science Institute Conference Call for Papers. The submission deadline for the Doctoral Student Papers will be January 12, 2025.

Doctoral Colloquium Activities (3rd June, 2025)

09:30 – 10:00 Welcome & about the GSSI doctoral colloquium
10:00 – 11:00 Creating impactful research
11:00 – 12:00 Speed doctoring
12:00 – 13:00 How to publish in high-impact journals
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:45 – 15:30 Data collection tips in the emerging ‘open science’ era
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break & networking
16:00 – 17:00 From PhD to academic career

Doctoral Colloquium Faculty

We look forward to your submissions and seeing you in Shillong. India!

How to Reach Shillong

By Air

Reaching Shillong by flight typically involves traveling to Guwahati, the nearest major airport, located approximately 100 km from Shillong. Visitors can fly into Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi and then take a connecting flight to Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Guwahati. From there, Shillong is about a 2.5-3 hour drive.

By Taxi

Taxi services are readily available from Guwahati to Shillong. Visitors can hire private cabs or opt for shared taxis, which are more economical. Taxi stands are located at the airport and bookings can also be made online for a smoother experience.

Conference Venue

The conference will be held at IIM Shillong, Umsawli campus. This picturesque campus offers modern facilities and is situated in a serene environment, making it an ideal location for the event.

You can easily find the venue on Google Maps: IIM Shillong Umsawli Campus

Hotel Arrangements

Exclusive Accommodation for GSSI Conference 2025

We are pleased to announce that Courtyard by Marriott Shillong is the official hospitality partner for the GSSI Conference 2025, offering exclusive accommodation rates for all participants.

Stay Dates & Booking Details

  • Special rates are available for stays between June 2nd and June 8th, 2025.
  • Participants can book directly with the hotel using the subject line “GSSI Conference 2025.”

Room Rates (Per Night, Inclusive of Taxes)

*Rates are subject to availability, and advance booking is required.

Hotel & Contact Information

  • Hotel Name: Courtyard by Marriott Shillong
  • Address: Jail Road, Police Bazar, Shillong, Meghalaya 793001
  • For bookings and assistance:
    Ms. Dariti Marbaniang
    Email: Dariti.marbaniang@courtyard.com
    Contact: +91 9774011980 (WhatsApp available)

We encourage all participants to book their stay at the earliest to ensure availability. We look forward to welcoming you to Shillong for an enriching and comfortable experience at GSSI Conference 2025!

Click Here for details

Hotel Recommendations

Vivanta Meghalaya, Shillong
Police Bazar East Kashi Hills, 793001 Shillong, India
5-star hotel

Courtyard Shillong
Jail Road, Police Bazar, Shillong, Meghalaya 793001
5-star hotel

Hotel Polo Towers
Polo Grounds, Shillong, Meghalaya 793001
4-star hotel

The Heritage Club-Tripura Castle
Tripura Castle Rd, Risa Colony, Malki, Shillong, Meghalaya 793014
4-star hotel

Ri Kynjai – Serneity By The Lake
U.C.C Road Ri Bhoi Uminiuh Khawn, Shillong 793103 India
4-star hotel

The Shillong Address
GS Road LPL Centre Point, Police Bazar, Shillong 793001 India
4-star hotel

The Centre Point
The Centre Point, Police Bazar, Shillong, Meghalaya 793001
4-star hotel

M Crown Hotel
MarBa Hub, Police Bazar, Shillong, Meghalaya 793001
4-star hotel

Must-visit Places

Transportation Contact

IIM Shillong is located in the heart of Shillong, the capital city of Meghalaya, roughly 120 kilometers from Guwahati.
Following is a map from Guwahati airport to the IIM Shillong, Umsawli Campus. Click on the link and navigate
For further ease, here are the contact details for cab facilities:
Mr. Babit- +91 7005603541

Local Essentials

  • Waterproof Trekking Shoes
  • Umbrella
  • Raincoat
  • Bag pack
  • Cash

Explore more about Meghalaya here: https://www.meghalayatourism.in/

The conference will be held at the Indian Institute of Management Shillong, in India. IIM Shillong, the 7th IIM in India, has been set up with a vision to become an internationally recognized Management Institute with a Global outlook grounded in Indian values. From its inception, it has constantly worked towards a lofty mission to generate and disseminate knowledge in all aspects of management education, focusing on sustainability and building innovative leadership.

The conference fee for regular conference participants will be at $530 (early bird). Doctoral students will have a different fee structure, which will be determined in the following weeks.


  • During process of payment participants must specify their name, email ID and contact number.
  • Payment link will be open till 11:59 pm on 14.04.2025 for early bird and 25.05.2025 for the rest.
  • The participants need to print /save the payment receipt automatically generated for confirmation of payment .Physical receipt will not be issued from the Institute.

Registrations fees for Foreign Participants:

Early Bird Rate (before April 15, 2025) $530 (Faculty and Industry Professionals) Payment Link
Doctoral Student Rate (Doctoral Colloquium participation Only) $85 Payment Link
Doctoral Student Rate (Doctoral Colloquium and GSSI Conference) $130 Payment Link
Early Bird Rate + Accompanying person rate (spouse/partner) (before April 15, 2025) $660 Payment Link

Registrations fees for Indian Participants:

Early Bird Rate (before April 15, 2025) ₹ 44500/- (Faculty and Industry Professionals) Payment Link
Doctoral Student Rate (Doctoral Colloquium participation Only) ₹ 7100/- Payment Link
Doctoral Student Rate (Doctoral Colloquium and GSSI Conference) ₹ 10900/- Payment Link
Early Bird Rate + Accompanying person rate (spouse/partner) (before April 15, 2025) ₹ 55400 /- Payment Link

Visa Requirement for Travelling to India for Attending a Conference


From Country Type of Visa Required Validity Link
USA, UK, Europe, and Other Counties e-Conference Visa Thirty days (30 days) from the date of arrival into India. https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/


  • International travellers whose sole objective for visiting India is recreation, sight seeing,casual visit to meet friends and relatives, attending a short term yoga programme,Short term courses on local languages, music, dance, arts & crafts, cooking, medicine etc. which should not be a formal or structured course/programme (courses not exceeding 6 months duration and not issued with a qualifying certificate/ diploma etc),Voluntary work of short duration (for a maximum period of one month, which do not involve any monetary payment or consideration of any kind in return), medical treatment including treatment under Indian systems of medicine, business purpose, as attendant to e-Medical visa holder, attending a conference/ seminar/ workshop organized by a Ministry or Department of the Government of India, State Governments or UT Administrations etc. & their subordinate/ attached organizations & PSUs and private conferences organized by private persons/companies/organizations.
  • Applicant’s passport should have at least six months validity at the time of making application for grant of e-Visa.
  • International Travellers should have return ticket or onward journey ticket,with sufficient money to spend during his/her stay in India.
  • International Travellers having Pakistani Passport or Pakistani origin may please apply for regular Visa at Indian Mission.
  • Not available to Diplomatic/Official Passport Holders or Laissez-passer travel document holders.
  • Not available to individuals endorsed on Parent’s/Spouse’s Passport i.e. each individual should have a separate passport.
  • Not available to International Travel Document Holders other than Passport.



If you are a national of any following countries, you are eligible for eVisa.

Afghanistan Ecuador Madagascar Serbia
Albania El Salvador Malawi Seychelles
Andorra Equatorial Guinea Malaysia Sierra Leone
Angola Eritrea Mali Singapore
Anguilla Estonia Malta Slovakia
Antigua & Barbuda Eswatini Marshall Islands Slovenia
Argentina Fiji Mauritius Solomon Islands
Armenia Finland Mexico South Africa
Aruba France Micronesia Spain
Australia Gabon Moldova Sri Lanka
Austria Gambia Monaco Suriname
Azerbaijan Georgia Mongolia Sweden
Bahamas Germany Montenegro Switzerland
Bangladesh Ghana Montserrat Taiwan
Barbados Gibraltar Morocco Tajikistan
Belarus Greece Mozambique Tanzania
Belgium Grenada Myanmar Thailand
Belize Guatemala Namibia Togo
Benin Guernsey Nauru Tonga
Bolivia Guinea Netherlands Trinidad & Tobago
Bosnia & Herzegovina Guyana New Zealand Turks & Caicos Island
Botswana Haiti Nicaragua Tuvalu
Brazil Honduras Niger Republic UAE
Brunei Hungary Niue Island Uganda
Bulgaria Iceland Norway Ukraine
Burundi Indonesia Oman United Kingdom
Canada Ireland Palau Uruguay
Cambodia Isle of Man Palestine USA
Cameroon Union Republic Israel Panama Uzbekistan
Cape Verde Italy Papua New Guinea Vanuatu
Cayman Island Jamaica Paraguay Vatican City-Holy See
Chile Japan Peru Venezuela
Colombia Jersey Philippines Vietnam
Comoros Jordan Poland Zambia and Zimbabwe
Cook Islands Kazakhstan Portugal
Costa Rica Kenya Republic of Korea
Cote d’lvoire Kiribati Romania
Croatia Kyrgyzstan Russia
Cuba Laos Rwanda
Cyprus Latvia Saint Christopher and Nevis
Czech Republic Lesotho Saint Lucia
Denmark Liberia Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
Djibouti Liechtenstein Samoa
Dominica Lithuania San Marino
Dominican Republic Luxembourg Saudi Arabia
East Timor Macedonia Senegal