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About IIM Shillong Foundation for Incubation and Enterprises

The IIM Shillong Foundation for Incubation and Enterprises (IIMSFIE) is a Sec-8 company.
IIMSFIE is a specialized facility or center designed to support and cultivate early-stage businesses and startups, predominantly but not exclusively in the northeast. IIMSFIE aspires to play a crucial role in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation by offering a variety of resources, guidance, and services to help enterprises flourish.

  • Prof. D.P Goyal, Director, IIMSFIE
  • Prof. Rohit Joshi, Director, IIMSFIE
IIM Shillong Foundation for Incubation and Enterprises Brochure
Skill to Enterprise Model (STEM) Program
Details of Start ups Mentored by IIMSFIE
Sl No. Name of Incubatees Names of Startup Description of Startup
1 Sanyaya Khyriem Sani Glam Makes skin care products  with organic ingredients.
2 Babatdor Dkhar Ka Ktien Media Publishes articles, videos, interviews, documentaries, podcast and also deals in investigative journalism.
3 Olenka Dilip & Krishnazina Thakur Juhaal Delivers traditional food from Assam through online platform.
4 Ms. Alethea O’ Neal Kynta and Ms. Manhakani Slong Everything Shillong Provides online niche services for tourists and locals.
5 Jigyan Deep Kalita N HOMES Managed home rental marketplace. Solution for unorganized rental housing market. Deals in unfurnished, semi-furnished, fully furnished and on demand movers and packers services.
6 Darrell Kharsyntien The Student Foster Foundation Compiles unused papers into notebooks for under privileged students.
7 Keliihol Tase Rhododendron Park Cultivates and Conserve orchids and  flowers with commercial prospects.

Existing incubatee: Ms. Jenpui Golmei, Golmei Café  Deals with Café and Confectionaries

What We Offer
cyclic process smart art
  1. Co-working space: Co-Working space for incubates
  2. Mentorship and training: Domain experts and industry leaders on board
  3. Consultancy: Business Development and Promotions
  4. Funding Assistance: Platform for various funding
  5. Networking: Develop partnership with stakeholders.
  6. Branding: Image Building and Positioning
  7. Functional Assistance: One stop Centre for compliances and legal needs
Advisory Committee Members
1 Chairperson Prof. D. P. Goyal, Director, IIM Shillong
2 Member Prof. Nalini Prava Tripathy, Faculty, IIM Shillong
3 Member Prof. Pradip H Sadarangani, Faculty, IIM Shillong
4 Member Prof. Achinta Kr Samrah,Faculty, IIM Shillong
5 External Member To be nominated
6 External Member To be nominated
7 External Member To be nominated
8 Member Secretary Dr. Sanjeev K. Ningombam, Centre Head
  • Bootcamp for Aspiring Entrepreneurs of NER
  • Impact Lecture and Experience Sharing on Innovation, Communities and Decentralized Future at NEHU in collaboration with IIM Shillong Report